Providing quality, safe, accessible, and affordable healthcare. Our passion drives the services we provide to the public. Your health and wellness is priority to us.
Discover moreWhen you walk in our office, we look at you as an individual and unique person seeking to regain their well being.
Discover moreWe offer the following services and procedures: BotoxTM Injections, Dermal Fillers, Laser Hair Removal, Intense Pulse Light Photo Rejuvenation, Skin Rejuvenation Treatments Chemical Peels, and more.
Learn moreWe take the time to explain medial diagnosis and treatment to both patients and their families. with quality, safe, and affordable health and wellness care options.
Learn MoreRevive Medical & Aesthetic Medical Clinic is in the business of providing quality, safe, accessible, and affordable healthcare. Our passion drives the services we provide to the public. Your health and wellness is priority to us. We will treat every patient or person who walks in the clinic as family. The disease, or problem, be it chronic or acute, does define you, and we understand that. When you walk in our office, we look at you as an individual and unique person seeking to regain their wellbeing. Patient-centered individualized care trained healthcare professional Providers with years of experience and passion for what we do.
More About UsRevive Medical & Aesthetics Clinic is a private medical and practice based in the state of Maryland. The clinic provides accessible preventive, wellness, acute/chronic, medical and cosmetic services to residents of the state of Maryland, with a focus on those areas with consideration to the challenges of a busy lifestyle, misinformation, underinsured, uninsured… etc., that prevent people from accessing the services they need or desire.
Our clinic will deal with consultation, management, and treatment of patients with chronic health conditions. We consult and make referrals as appropriate to meet your specialty care needs.
Post operative recovery care caters to your healthcare needs post elective surgical procedures that require close professional monitoring after the procedure.
If you are constantly drained and need an energizing pick me up, choose from our many combos that will help Immunity, Metabolism, Performance & Recovery, Boost your Mood/Depression & more.
We develop personalized weight loose plan base on your assessment needs. Weight loss programs and advice from us include drawing attention to the need for lifestyle changes and healthy habit development.
We are here for your required physical examinations. These include the following: School Physicals, Employment physicals, Sports physicals, D-DOT Physicals, Annual Wellness, Physical Exams.
We offer the following services and procedures: BotoxTM Injections, Dermal Fillers, Laser Hair Removal, Intense Pulse Light Photo Rejuvenation, Skin Rejuvenation Treatments Chemical Peels, and more.